Little White Lies
Little White Lies is a magazine owned by the Church of London which has been publishing LWL since 2005. Their magazines are published bi-monthly and cost £10.99 per edition. The front covers of LWL have manipulated images with little copy. To complement the magazine, LWL offers an online website that contains more film and tv information.
Sight and Sound
Sight and Sound is a magazine owned by the British Film Institute which has been publishing SaS since 1932. Their magazines are published monthly and cost £6.50 per edition. The front covers of SaS are minimal. SaS also offers a website with more content available.
Film Stories
Film Stories is a brand owned by founder Simon Brew since 2018. It offers a magazine as well as a podcast, which was around before the magazine. FS is published every 5 weeks and each edition costs £5.99. FS also have a website where consumers can access podcasts and reviews on films.