NEA Task 20 (Planning) : Website Homepage and Linked Page

 1. What will your website header on the homepage look like


I will use the Wedges font for the header, the same font I chose for my masthead 

I will also use the Aberforth font for the strapline

For the general text, I will use a mixture of Poppins SemiBold and Barlow Medium

The header and strapline will be centralised 

For a link, I will use the call to action on the second edition: 
Warrens wardrobe! Check out this costume designer's top creations

2. What content will be on your homepage and linked page?

Latest magazines
Warren's Wardrobe - read more
Our Stories
Henton's Hacks - read more
Interviews with magazine cover stars 

Linked page:
Working link will be Warren's wardrobe and 'special features' - it will lead to the same page
It will take the reader to a page with an about section and a direct quote from Wilbur Warren of Warren's Wardrobe with photos to accommodate 
It will then show some other photos of Wilbur before going to a video from Wilbur

3. What original audio or audio-visual content will be included on your website?
A video from Wilbur talking about costume designing and what he does to get the right amount of costume